

Science of 350

Science of 350
350 parts per million is what many scientists, climate experts, and progressive national governments are now saying is the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere. Our mission is to inspire the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis—to create a new sense of urgency and of possibility for our planet.

Our Hero

Our Hero
"Sometimes it takes a crisis to awaken us from our slumber. But once aroused, the American people can accomplish miracles." - T. Boone Pickens

Saturday, July 26, 2008


John Lennon was a musical genius and with his songs...he tried to promote peace on earth...profound lyrics…applicable even today almost 40 year later.

As Benjamin Disraeli said “Never apologize for showing feelings. When you do so, you apologize for the truth”...John Lennon was a true believer of this statement, and he was never afraid of showing his feelings.

Just imagine...if John Lennon’s dream comes true...we need nothing at all...why a television? if we have friends around.

Many of us...still are dreamers…dreamers for our own world…and we must keep dreaming as we move on with our lives...today...a friend had made me to realize another important fact about our dream...DON'T LET ANYBODY STEAL YOUR DREAM...

John Lennon’s message was clear: he wanted humanity to develop beyond nationalities, religions, and race. When he died, it was as if some of mankind's hope died with him.


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


Anonymous said...

~~DON'T LET ANYBODY STEAL YOUR DREAM!!눈을 감고 크게 심호흡을 해 봅니다. 조그만 더 천천히.조그만 더 여유롭게.누군가 인생은 가까이서 보면 비극이지만 멀리서 보면 희극이라고 ....세상은 작아지고,내 마음은 딱 그만큼 더 너그러워지는 순간 ..이 순간을 사랑합니다..DREAM을 사랑합니다!!~~

Anonymous said...

제 블로그에도 이 아름다운 곡을 올렸습니다만 참으로 인간의 창의력은 끝이 없을 것입니다. 전 이곡을 참으로 좋아합니다.사랑합니다.여러분들의 꿈을 위하여 .....
세월이 갈수록 잃어버리는 것 중 하나가 꿈이라고 하는데 잃어 버리지 않을려고 심혈을 기울입니다.

David Whang said...

우리의 꿈은...우리 마음의 소원...꿈을 믿고, 지키고, 사랑하면...아름다운 무지개가...우아한 미소로...우리를 반겨 주지 않을지...생각해 봅니다....

이곳은 일요일 저녁...한국은 벌써 월요일...님들에게..시원하고...활기찬 한주가 되기를 바라며...Wherever your are my thoughs will be with you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

당신들이 어디있든지간에 나는 당신들과 함께 동행하시고 있다는 말씀에 무한 감사드리며 힘을 냅니다....
좋아하는곡 < IMAGINE,,,상 상 >을 한국어로 생각해 보며 이 명곡을 들어 봅니다.

천국이 없다고 상상해보세요.
당신이 노력하면 어렵지 않아요.
우리들 내세에 지옥은 없어요.
머리위에 오직 하늘이 있을 뿐
모든 인간이 오늘을 위해 산다고 상상해 보세요.
당신은 내가 몽상가라고 생각할지 몰라요.
그러나 나는 그렇지 않습니다.
언젠가 당신은 우리와 함게 동행하실것입니다.
그리고 세계는 하나가 될것입니다.

yoriring said...

I am not big fan of John Lennon, but I respect him very much and I’m so sad about that he was gunned down.
We lost one of the courageous person.
When will his dream come true in this world where has always war somewhere?

David Whang said...


IMHO, sadly, John Lennon's dream may not come true...as log as...us human beings exist...as we all are...yesterday and today.

John Lennon was asking us to imagine a place…where things that divide people (religion, possessions, etc.) did not exist…He felt that would be a much better place…If John Lennon is alive today, his message would be; Patience and acceptance of others is what will stop war… Understanding will stop war…Humility will stop war…Realizing our place…Accepting our responsibilities…and…Remembering our humanity will stop war…LOVE will stop war…You are all free to choose.

On September 21, 2001, Neil Young performed this on a benefit telethon for the victims of the terrorist attacks on America….almost 60 million people watched the special in the US…wonder how many of 60 million people…heard the John Lennon’s message…

Any way let's Ganbai!!!...to the John's dream that we wish come true someday...

David Whang said...

Oh, forgot one thing...if we apply John Lennon's hidden message... Patience and acceptance of others is what will stop war…to all of us's personal lives...there will be less BuBuSsaUm...and...more of AlKongDalKong...^^...What do you think???

David Whang said...

주님께서 단념하신...불쌍한 양으로서...성경은 잘모르지만...요한계시록에 "욕심은 죄를 낳고, 죄는 죽음을 낳는다"는 구절이 기억 합니다...John Lennon의 숨은 메세지는...이와 동일하지 않은지...지나친 욕심이 근본 적인 문제가 아닌지...얻은게 무었이고...잃은게 무었인지...욕심을 버리리라 생각해 봅니다...

조금더...참으며, 베풀며, 재미있게...동의 합니다...

yoriring said...

I totally agree with you.
And keeping our making small efforts might bring big achievement like John's dream in future.
I really hope so!

David Whang said...


As human beings, all we can do is do our best and hope for the best. In retrospect, although we can not control our destiny, if we do our best, our dream will come true. I am sure that although John Lennon is physically long gone from this world, his soul is still around hoping his dfream will come true some day.