

Science of 350

Science of 350
350 parts per million is what many scientists, climate experts, and progressive national governments are now saying is the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere. Our mission is to inspire the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis—to create a new sense of urgency and of possibility for our planet.

Our Hero

Our Hero
"Sometimes it takes a crisis to awaken us from our slumber. But once aroused, the American people can accomplish miracles." - T. Boone Pickens

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Good Luck...Yuna!!

Kim Yuna of South Korea...At 19, she has a rare combination of spectacular skating skills, grace, and dramatic flair. Many figure skating experts give so much praise when they see her triple-triple jump combination in this clip...Michelle Kwan, Stephane Lambiel, Patrick Chan, Kristi Yamaguchi and so on...

Last season...a strange 'wrong edge' mark suddenly appeared on her 3F-3T...a jump Yuna had been doing for the past 5 years...And a surprising 'downgrade' mark suddenly appeared on her 3LZ-3T at Tokyo...Who is trying to mess up Yuna Kim's jumps?

Regardless...Way to go!! Yuna....Best of luck on upcoming winter olympic!!...The turth will prevail at the end.

김연아 선수 관련 영상...대충 영상 내용을 말하자면 김연아 선수의 완벽한 기술에 고의적으로 어떤 심판이 자꾸 태클을 걸고 있다는 내용입니다.

이 영상이 미국 유명한 기자에게 인용되어 널리 알려졌고...조회수가 20만을 넘겼는데 의문의 사유로 인하여 그 영상이 삭제되었고...이 영상을 만드신 분이 다시 영상을 올려서 현재 약 하루동안 2만의 조회수가 올랐습니다.

자기의 길을 묵묵히 걸어가고 있는 김연아 선수...동계올림픽 에서 최선을 다하여 좋은 성적 거두기를 바라며...화이팅!!

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