

Science of 350

Science of 350
350 parts per million is what many scientists, climate experts, and progressive national governments are now saying is the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere. Our mission is to inspire the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis—to create a new sense of urgency and of possibility for our planet.

Our Hero

Our Hero
"Sometimes it takes a crisis to awaken us from our slumber. But once aroused, the American people can accomplish miracles." - T. Boone Pickens

Sunday, March 29, 2009

John Mellencamp - "Little Pink Houses"

My son, Alexander, had made executive decision to attend the law school at Indiana University-Bloomington which had offered him the largest scholarship.

Attended law school open house this weekend, and had an opportunity to explore Bloomimgton.

Found out that when the Travel & Leisure Magazine mentioned that "Bloomington has the soul of a big city, but the heart of a much smaller town.”, they weren't kidding. Also found out that why IU-Bloomington is proud of having one of the most beautiful university campus in the country.

Bloomington is a small city of about 70,000 with cultural resources and opportunities that rival cities many times its size. You will find coffee houses, live music, festivals, bookstores, open-air markets, historic architecture, cafés, eclectic restaurants, boutiques, lakes, parks, museums, and, theatres through out Bloomington.

Bloomington’s rolling hills, limestone heritage, and picturesque scenery are a fitting backdrop for a city that is home to the state’s oldest and largest winery, the country’s only Tibetan cultural center, the legendary Little 500 bicycle race, and the annual Lotus World Music and Arts Festival.

John Mellencamp is from a rural town in Indiana and often writes about the American experience. His lyrics deal with the challenges of living in America as well as the triumphs, and visiting Blooomington made me think about this song. Realize that it fits perfectly with the slide Show!!! The United States is a beautiful place, with many attractions!!! Here you will see America's Landmarks, Cities, small towns, and everything else in between that makes up what the United States is today!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


This is a story about love, despair, and the power of hope.

Great movie…Beautiful cinematography!!!

In northern Australia at the beginning of World War II, an English aristocrat inherits a cattle station. When English cattle barons plot to take her land, she reluctantly joins forces with a rough-hewn stock-man to drive 2,000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles of the country's most unforgiving land, only to still face the bombing of Darwin, Australia, by the Japanese forces that had attacked Pearl Harbor only months earlier.

Love, as though you never been hurt before.
Dance, as though no one is watching you.
Sing, as though no one can hear you.
Work, as though you don't need the money.
Live, as though heaven is on earth.
- Alfred D. Souza

사랑하라, 한번도 상처받지 않은 것처럼.
춤추라, 아무도 바라보고 있지 않은 것처럼
노래하라, 아무도 듣고 있지 않은 것처럼.
일하라, 돈이 필요하지 않은 것처럼.
살라, 오늘이 마지막 날인 것처럼.
- 알프레드 디 수자

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In One-Man Show, Kirk Douglas Recounts Life

Kirk Douglas has shared the most memorable moments of his life with the readers of his several autobiographies. But since you can't hear readers laugh and applaud, he's now telling his stories in a live stage show at a theater named after him in Culver City, Calif.

Kirk Douglas' one-man show looks at fatherhood, filmmaking and more than six decades in Hollywood. It's called Before I Forget, but the 92 year-old actor doesn't seem to have forgotten much.

Douglas has a slight hitch in his step as he moves around the stage. Maybe it's from the two knee replacements or the debilitating injuries from the 1991 helicopter crash or the 1995 stroke that impaired his speech.

"When you have a stroke, you must talk slowly to be understood," he says. "And I've discovered when I talk slowly, people listen. They think I'm going to say something important."

Douglas' most important memories fill this nearly 90-minute show. Many of the stories are inensely personal and go back to his earliest days.

He's been acting over 60 years, and has seen quite a lot in his lifetime. But yet, i bet if i ask him...he will still say life is too short!

I hope this performance was videotaped for those of us who weren't lucky enough to see the live show.

컬크 더글러스의 인생을 되돌아 보는 원맨쇼

컬크 더글러스는 그의 자서전을 통하여 독자들에게 그의 삶의 가장 기억에 남는 순간들 전하여 주었읍니다. 하지만 독자들의 웃음과 박수를들을 듣고 느낄수 없기에…그는 지금캘리 포니아주 컬버 시티의 그의 이름을 딴 한 극장 무대에서 라이브 공연을 통하여 자신의 이야기를 전하고 있읍니다.

커크 더글러스의 원맨쇼는 아버지로서…그리고 60년동한 영화 배우로서 할리우드에서의 활동에 초점을 마추고있읍니다.

이쇼의 타이틀은 “잊어버리기 전에”…그러나 92살의 노장의 배우의 기억은 거의 완벽합니다.

오직약간의 문제점이라면 무대위에서의 거동입니다. 어쩌면 그것은 두번의 무릎 교체수술…1991 헬리콥터 추락사고로 인한 치명적인 부상 …언어장애를 초래한 1995 년의 뇌졸중 때문이 아닌지.

그는 말합니다… “뇌졸중 이후엔 천천히 이야기를 해야만 상대방이 이해할수있읍니다… 그때문에 한가지 발견한 점은, 천천히 이야기를 하면, 사람들은 귀를 기울여 듣습니다….그들은 내가 무언가 중요한것을 말할 거라 생각하는것이죠”.

더글러스의 가장 중요한 기억들은 거의 90분에 가까운 쇼를 채워줍니다…이야기의 대부분은 그의 초기 시절로 돌아가는 강도높은 사적인 이야기입니다.

그는 자신의 일생중 꽤 많은 시간인60 년간에 걸쳐 연기생활을 하였읍니다…그러나, 지금 인생에 대한 질문을 하면…아마도 답변은 “인생은 너무 짧아!!” 가아닐까생각 합니다.

그를 무대에서 직접 볼수없는 사람들을 위하여 그의 연기가 영상으로 기록되기를 바래봅니다.

As I think of life of Kirk Douglas, a song that I had listened for more than hundred times comes to mind. As I listen over and over, and became to appreciate the lyrics, the music bring about the internal power at the end.

Even today, as I listened to this song, it brings me feeling of a great encouragement to share with others. If listen with lyrics...one can get a hint as to how overcome one’s problems.

컬크 더글라스의 인생을 생각해보니 수백번 넘게 들은 음악이 생각납니다…그런 음악을 듣고 또 듣고 마지막엔 가사까지 음미해가며 들어보면…결국 살아가는데 큰 힘이 됨을 느낍니다.

오늘도 이 노래를 들으면서 큰 격려를 받아…그 기분을 간직하고 다른 분들과 나누고자 합니다…가사와 같이 들어보면…자신의 문제를 극복할 수 있는 힌트를 얻을 수 있는 그런 곡이아닌지….

The Answer Lies Within - Dream Theater

Look around
Where do you belong
Don't be afraid
You're not the only one

당신이 속해있는 곳
주위를 둘러보아요
두려워 하지 말아요
당신은 혼자가 아니에요

Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within

하루가 떠나가게 내버려 두지 마세요
하루가 그렇게 끝나버리게 내버려 두지 마세요
하루가 의심 속에서 떠나가게 내버려 두지 마세요
해답은 그 안에 있답니다

Life is short
So learn from your mistakes
And stand behind
The choices that you make

인생은 짧지요
그러니 당신의 실수에서 배우세요
그리고 지지하세요
당신이 선택한 결정을

Face each day
With both eyes open wide
And try to give
Don't keep it all inside

두 눈을 크게 뜨고
하루하루를 맞이하세요
그리고 주기 위해 노력하세요
모든 걸 안에 품고 있으려 하지 마세요

Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within

하루가 떠나가게 내버려 두지 마세요
하루가 그렇게 끝나버리게 내버려 두지 마세요
하루가 의심 속에서 떠나가게 내버려 두지 마세요
해답은 그 안에 있답니다

You've got the future on your side
You're gonna be fine now
I know whatever you decide
You're gonna shine

당신에게는 당신 편인 미래가 놓여져 있어요
당신은 이제 곧 좋아질 거랍니다
나는 당신이 무엇을 결정했는지 알아요
당신은 곧 빛날 거에요

Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
You're ready to begin
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within

하루가 떠나가게 내버려 두지 마세요
하루가 그렇게 끝나버리게 내버려 두지 마세요
하루가 의심 속에서 떠나가게 내버려 두지 마세요
당신은 시작할 준비가 되었지요
하루가 의심 속에서 떠나가게 내버려 두지 마세요
해답은 그 안에 있답니다

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Fantasy

Photographer Jana Vanourkova

Jana is an intuitive photographer, who tries to capture the mood and spirit of places and people. She loves to travel, she has visited more than 50 countries. She photographs since she was 14 years old. Jana uses Nikon SLR cameras and lately she is photographing on Fuji Velvia and Provia slide films.

Please enjoy Jana’s Spring Fantasy Collection accompanied by with Mendelssohn’s Spring Song (from Songs Without Words) with hope of spring to hurry up.

사진작가 자나 바노코바

자나는 장소와 사람의 영적인 분위기를 포착하려고 시도하는 직관적인 사진작가 입니다. 그녀는 여행을 사랑하기에, 50 개국이상의 나라들을 방문 하였읍니다. 그녀는 14 살 때부터 사진을찍기 시작 하였으며 니콘 SLR 카메라를 사용합니다. 최근에 그녀는 후지 Velvia와 Provia 슬라이드 필름을 사용하고 있다 합니다.

봄이 다가오는 3월에 멘델손의 “봄의 노래”와 함께 자나의 “봄의 환상 콜렉션”을 즐겨봄은 어떨지 해서 올려 봅니다.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pankun and James

The adventure of Pankun and James is one of the Japanese TV Show. These series of video shows how genius chimp (Pankun) and stupid dog (James) act together in the show. Pankun learn to make ramen noodle with a ramen noodle master.

Pankun has teach me how to fix foolish mistakes with brilliant ideas in the end.

판쿤과 제임스

혹시 보신 분들 있을런지 모르겠는데...판쿤과 제임스의 심부름이라고 일본 프로그램이 있는데...판쿤은 천재 침팬지...하는 행동이 너무 너무 영특하고 귀엽습니다.

판쿤과 제임스로 찍으면 유투브에 많이 영상이 나오는데 심심하신 분들은 한번씩 보셔도 괜찮을 거 같아서 올립니다.